
The Master of Science (M.S.) in Accounting program is a fully online program designed to provide students with the skill set critical to a successful professional career in public and private accounting. Qualified students can meet the 150-hour educational requirements for C.P.A. (Certified Public Accountant) licensing. The program may be completed on a part-time or full-time basis. Students must complete 30 credits to fulfill all degree requirements. The Advanced Business Certificate in Accounting Analytics is also available to M.S. in Accounting students.

Required Course: ACCT 5505.

Approved Electives: (27 credits required) ACCT 5122, 5124, 5243, 5260, 5327, 5532, 5533, 5535, 5543, 5545, 5546, 5549, 5553, 5554, 5555, 5557, 5559, 5563, 5570, 5571, 5575, 5582, 5583, 5584, and 5894.

The program is offered by the School of Business.