Graduate Course Descriptions

The following directory lists the graduate courses which the University expects to offer, although the University in no way guarantees that all such courses will be offered in any given academic year, and reserves the right to alter the list if conditions warrant. Click on the links below for a list of courses in that subject area. You may then click “View Classes” to see scheduled classes for individual courses.

5206. Financial Institutions: Management and Capital Markets

3.00 credits

Prerequisites: FNCE 5101 or FNCE 5182; open to MBA students, others with consent.

Grading Basis: Graded

Investigation of the structure financial services companies (banks, insurance companies, securities firms, and so forth). Emphasis is on the tools used by these firms to compete to provide basic financial services like pooling resources, managing risk, transferring economic resources, pricing information and clearing and settling payments. Financial services product development and the role of information technology in financial services, including software and data.

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