Graduate Course Descriptions

The following directory lists the graduate courses which the University expects to offer, although the University in no way guarantees that all such courses will be offered in any given academic year, and reserves the right to alter the list if conditions warrant. Click on the links below for a list of courses in that subject area. You may then click “View Classes” to see scheduled classes for individual courses.

5351. Topics in Human Rights Practice

3.00 credits | May be repeated for a total of 9 credits.

Prerequisites: Instructor consent. Students may not receive credit for a topic in HRTS 5351 if they have previously passed HRTS 3540 with the same topic.

Grading Basis: Graded

Seminar on topics in theoretical and practice-based knowledge and skills related to human rights. Topics vary by semester. May be repeated with a change of topic to a maximum of nine credits.

Last Refreshed: 26-JUL-24 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Term Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Session Schedule Enrollment Location Credits Grading Basis Notes
Spring 2024 5517 Storrs In Person Masud, Catherine 002 Reg Fr 12:20pm‑3:20pm
2/4 BISH 006 3.00 Graded
Spring 2024 13330 Storrs In Person Kattithara Joseph, Carmel 003 Reg TuTh 12:30pm‑1:45pm
10/12 KNS 201 3.00 Graded Course Notes: In the media-saturated environment we live in, our perceptions about various issues, including those concerning human rights are shaped and negotiated through diverse media forms. This course aims to equip students with a critical lens to understand the institution of media, human rights discourse and representational practices around it. The specific focus of the course is to discuss issues related to the intersectional making of gender, race and coloniality as human rights debates and the way in which media create, respond and circulate them in order to retain or subvert existing perceptions. Media, situated at the intersections of being a service and industry, often generate debates that align with interests of the dominant and powerful sections. However, in popular culture, we also encounter examples of subverting the same power structures based on gender, sexuality, race or other forms of coloniality. As human rights framework increasingly engages with debates beyond state paradigms, the course intends to deliberate on these debates in diverse contexts, not just in relation to colonial empires, but also as continuing systems of dominance. In addition to understanding media as the site of these debates, the course would also discuss examples of media repression by the state and overpowering capitalist markets in a global context. Three major themes/readings of the course would include critically understanding media (as an institution and as a site of repression), human rights with reference to gender, race and coloniality; and representational practices. In addition to lectures based on the readings, film screenings, podcasts and discussion would be part of the course.
Fall 2024 8883 Storrs In Person Masud, Catherine 001 Reg Fr 12:20pm‑3:20pm
2/4 BISH 136 3.00 Graded
Fall 2024 10905 Storrs Online Synchronous Kattithara Joseph, Carmel 002 Reg TuTh 9:30am‑10:45am
7/6 No Room Required - Online 3.00 Graded Course Description: The course aims to introduce debates on the environment as a crucial part of social justice, specifically with reference to gender movements.