As an interdisciplinary field, DHMS is devoted to studying the interrelationship of digital humanities and media studies within the student’s home discipline. The certificate prepares students to conduct research with digital tools by providing knowledge about same tools, about methods, and about theoretical issues central to the numerous and rich interfaces between digital humanities and media studies. These may include text analysis, data mining, visualization, modeling and simulation, geo-spatial inquiries and mapping, multi-media or digital storytelling, information or knowledge design, network analysis, and interface design in combination with the history of media, media archeology, media aesthetics, media theory, media philosophy, electronic literature, digital cultures and game studies. The certificate as a course of study emphasizes principles and concepts that will transfer across software programs, tools, and disciplines. It also acknowledges that ever new technologies will emerge and that they are accompanied by questions about the history of technology and media in general and about how we use and integrate such technologies into our cultures and everyday practices. This certificate provides advanced training in this interdiscipline while helping graduate students to become more capacious in their teaching and research. Working toward this certificate will provide junior scholars a space to think outside of their disciplines and to craft, among other digital scholarship formats, a genuinely multimodal or born-digital dissertation project.
Requirements: Students must take one of the following core courses: DMD 5610; ENGL 5650; or LCL 5020.
In addition, the student must also take three courses (nine credits) listed inside or outside of their home department with a focus on digital or media studies. DHMS maintains a list of courses across campus that may satisfy the nine credit requirement above. The director, in conjunction with the student’s advisor, may approve other courses in addition to those that are pre-approved. Total requirements are 12 credits.
This certificate is offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.